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au service du corps 

In this society where information abounds our environment, where the will to access to « real time » condemns the consideration of past or future, how to patrimonialize a know-how from an ill-known digital heritage, through an interactive, narrative and sensorial experience ? How to transform an inert, a « ghost » and obsolete content to a memory-body ?

Due to my research, going from excavations (kind of archaeological digs) to find digital and obsolete contents, to the development of different embodiment alternatives, I oriented my project towards the design of a video game, as a place of memory. The video game allows the user to access to the pure attraction of entertainment, and to achieve an autonomy that exceeds the limits of our conventional space-time. It invites to an immersion by spatialization, narration and sensitization. Here, he is master of his actions and his ambitions.

My project is an invitation to explore the creative potential of these obsolete digital tools, by using them with current means, to consider an almost timeless creation, who breaks away from the conventions of « presentism ». This approach encourages us to look back, while projecting us into the future. Maintaining the passed digital heritage towards new horizons, especially creative ones, it is also making the user more aware of his practices, so far punctuated by the continuous updating of new technologies and by « real time ». 

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